The main contact at each sponsor receives a Sponsor Service Letter by email, containing information that is specific to their sponsorship. Following is general information for all sponsors. For assistance, sponsors may contact contact Kevin Bullock, Sponsorship Programs Manager, [email protected], +1 501-222-1430.
EUCA24 will be held at the Brussels Marriott Hotel Grand Place in Brussels, Belgium.
Brussels Marriott Hotel Grand Place
Rue Auguste Orts, Grand Place 3-7,
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Please register using the Coupon Codes included in your sponsor service letter. Please complete registrations at least 14 days prior to the event.
The exhibitor list and floor plan can be found here.
Time | Event |
07:00 | Show Management Access |
07:00 | Exhibitor Set-Up Begins |
08:00 | Exhibitor Set Up Ends (Registration Begins in Foyer) |
09:00 | Talks Begin |
10:30 | Networking Break in Exhibits (through 11:00) |
12:30 | Lunch in Exhibits (through 13:30) |
15:00 | Networking Break in Exhibits (through 15:30) |
15:30 | Exhibits Close |
Time | Event |
07:00 | Exhibitor Set Up Continues |
08:00 | Attendee Access to Plenary Session |
09:00 |
Exhibitor Set Up Ends |
10:05 | Keynote Plenary Session Ends |
10:10 | Networking Break in Exhibits (through 10:50) |
12:30 | Lunch in Exhibits (through 13:30) |
15:00 | Networking Break in Exhibits (through 15:30) |
15:30 | Exhibits Close |
Time | Event |
07:00 | Exhibitor Access to Exhibit Area |
08:00 | Exhibits Open. Networking Break in Exhibits (through 09:00) |
10:30 | Networking Break in Exhibits (through 11:00) |
12:30 | Lunch in Exhibit Area (through 13:30) |
15:30 | Networking Break in Exhibits (through 16:00) |
16:00 | Exhibits Close. Exhibitor Move Out Begins |
19:00 | Exhibitor Move Out Ends |
All table top booth spaces include a 6 foot draped table with two chairs and a company sign in space approximately 8 feet wide by 6 feet deep. “Pop-up” style backdrops are permitted. Information for ordering electrical service, internet service, and AV equipment is included in the Sponsor Service Forms at this link.
Ship sponsor materials to the hotel using the addressing information below. So that we may better route your shipment on site, please provide us with shipping information on this link. If you are shipping materials to the attention of Show Management (welcome packet inserts, items for distribution, sponsor banners), please clearly mark packages “ATTENTION SHOW MANAGEMENT”. Ship to:
Brussels Marriott Hotel Grand Place
Re: EUCA24 (Exhibitor Name)
Rue A. Orts 3-7, 1000 BrusselsT: +32.2.516.9024
Email: [email protected]
Include on each package: Your Contact Name, “EUCA, 11-13 March, 2024”, # of how many total packages (e.g. 2/4)
Important Notes: Packages should not arrive prior to March 8, 2024.
Hotels fill up quickly. Discount reservations for the Marriott Metro Center are available at this link.
Deadline: 12 February, 2024. If your sponsorship includes advertising in the conference program, please see the specifications and submission form at this link.
We’ve included links to various event promotion materials at this link. We encourage you to post information and links on your web site, social media, and email your clients.
Sponsors provide amenities and hospitality that otherwise would not be available to conference attendees. Interested in making additional contact with attendees, showcasing your participation and driving additional traffic to your booth? Complete sponsorship information can be found at this link.