2025, a Glimpse into the Future of the CSA, and How We Got Here (B11b)
It’s 2025! The Cybersecurity Act has been enforced in Europe for few years already, boosting the cyber resilience capability within the Union. Setting up an international benchmark on cyber security capabilities. By now, we are addressing what was once considered a complex issue. Automotive, Industrial, Communications and consumer markets are demonstrating they make use of cyber resilient devices and process, delivering equally resilient services, without increasing cost and in scalable manner. Our critical infrastructure is demonstrable secure. More than 25% of device and service providers have the ability to show compliance against the European regulatory stack, working alongside with risk underwriting institutions for fostering the business case for security.
This gives the opportunity to reflect how we got here. What is working, and based on this experience, what decisions taking in due time by key stakeholders got us here.
Explore this utopian scenario alongside the latest developments in compliance, regulation, technology and business on a holistic manner, supporting the implementation of the Cyber Security Act.