ISO/IEC TS 9565 “Towards Creating an Extension for Patch Management for ISO/IEC 15408 and ISO/IEC 18045 (S20a)
Common Criteria is the most used international standard for cybersecurity certification for ICT products. CC has lights and shadows and for most of the stakeholders the main drawback might be the assurance continuity process. The application of CC for re-certifications of updates or security-patched products is very slow and not adapted to the time to market of new versions of products. EUCC includes patch management as an activity that may be assessed as part of the evaluation process. ISO SC27 WG3 have been working hard in the last years to prepare the technical specification that could be used to evaluate the TOE’s patching functionality and the developer’s patch management by adding new modules that can be integrated into PPs and STs. This talk will explain the current status and news of the ISO Technical Specification, and explain how it address the patch management problem taking into account the Cyber Security Act requirements. The speakers will be Javier Tallon and Sebastian Fritsch, co-editors of the ISO/IEC TS 9565.