Eurosmart’s Secure Sub System in SoC PP(PP0117)—The Methodology, the Collaboration, the Synergy (L21a)
The session will present the latest activity of Eurosmart-ITSC: Secure Sub-System (3S) in SoC Protection Profile (PP0117). This PP describes the trend of integrated security sub system in SoC, such as Secure element, Integrated UICC, V2X and others. Presents the actions which were done for solving it challenge – external liaisons which were done for sharing and being in line with EUCC requirements and the different technical groups outside Eurosmart as GSMA, FIDO, ETSI and GlobalPlatform. The 3S in SoC PP requires methodology and guidance to simplify the adoption and allow smooth evaluations and certifications claiming conformance to the 3S in Soc PP. During this session we will present also ISCI-WG1 and JHAS related work that has resulted in the development of the methodology and guidance documents. We will also present the structure of the different technical groups and the need for synergy and harmony between them for fulfilling the new PP requirements.